What We Do | Feasibility

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The Feasibility Analysis is the cornerstone of any property development or investment. At Rosel Sherwood we have developed our bespoke software with understanding that the strength of any feasibility analysis lies in two key components –

1.   The  comprehensiveness and accuracy of the inputs and;

2.   Its use as a ‘Living Document’

In the first instance the inputs must be comprehensive. Feasibilities that offer a simple percentage of construction cost to cover large components such as ‘consultants’ or ‘finance’ are high risk and are open to financial manipulation. These may be sufficient for high level assessment to see if a project is worth looking into further, but after that they provide little value and increased risk. Our detailed approach allows for individual cost centres to be analysed in ‘Fee Compartments’ that align with actual consultants scopes of work and are able to be confirmed through competitive market analysis.


The ‘Living Document’ approach is perhaps the most important. Once a detailed feasibility and cash flow has been completed in Due Diligence then often it is forgotten. Our analysis of ‘Fee Compartments’ allows a co-ordinated full project life cycle cost control centre that keeps track of variations, changes in scope, and aligns with project programming changes, to provide real time snapshots of the projects performance at any time.

We have created a quick tool for you to use, click the link below for your free download.

Don’t forget to check out our services page for all our quick tips and free guides on our services.

Lauren Rosel