The Big Picture

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As a Development & Project Manager, the big picture is your compass.

One of my golden rules for a successful Development or Project Manager faced with a project problem, is to focus on the big picture. Have a clear and unambiguous vision of what the Big Picture is and you’re halfway home. Then when in doubt, forget the detail and the issues at hand and look again at the big picture. This will always help you make the right decision.


Remember, the Big Picture could be intangible outcomes. A client may have a sustainability focus as an example. Don’t always assume it’s about cost and nothing else. This is why you must get to know your client, understand their vision and have a clear Big Picture to guide you.


Some of the decisions you make may go against the grain or not seem like the right decision to other people lower down the project chain, but that is because they don’t understand the clients’ vision, the Big Picture.

Lauren Rosel