Time Management for Living
Work/ Life Balance……sounds so easy when others say it, but it’s not about managing time, it’s about managing your why’s and your expectations.
The most prolific reason people use for not achieving what they want to in a day is….”I’m too busy”. This blog isn’t about telling you that you aren’t busy, rather it asks you to take a harder look at your situation. In this post GFC world we are all working twice as hard for half the money, but that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve a good level of work/life balance, in fact it’s more important than ever.
The traditional method of Time Management is to write down what you need to do then prioritise and take action. There is a key missing here and it’s the why? Why are you doing this task? It may well be Urgent, but is it Important? Defining Important comes down to your why? You need to understand your Core Values and what you want to achieve in life before you can even begin to discuss time management, otherwise you are only managing what other people expect of you, instead of managing your own life.
Expectation is the other key element. When we set our Core Values and goals we then constantly overestimate what we can achieve in 12 months and as such we get depressed and give up….however we fundamentally under estimate what can be achieved in 5 years, but we rarely see that because we give up.
Small, imperfect steps towards your goal every day, are far better than meticulously planned large goals.
John Rosel