
The 6 deadly enemies of productivity and confident decision making.


I attended a training course back in the 90’s during my Real Estate days. It was a typical compulsory corporate training day with everyone wondering how they would make it through the day without falling asleep. But it was the first time I really took something from one of these courses, I had a ‘light-bulb’ moment so to speak. The Presenter put up a list of 6 words that would really start me thinking about the way I was working and living my life, and what I really wanted and why I wasn’t getting it. 


These words provide the start to the stories we tell ourselves and convince ourselves as to why we are not achieving. They provide us with reasons to justify our lack of motivation, and they provide justification for why we are so hard done by.  

Have a good hard think about these 6 words and how they are preventing you from achieving what you really want in your career. 

John Rosel



John Rosel