NABERS v Green Star – Part 1

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What’s the difference between NABERS Ratings and Green Star Ratings when it comes to environmentally sustainable development?

Did you know that buildings use 40% of the world’s energy, emit 40% of the world’s carbon emissions, and use 20% of the world’s available drinking water? So how do we go about understanding and measuring this>

A NABERS Rating (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) is primarily focused on the energy required to operate an established building. It measures a building’s energy efficiency, carbon emissions, water consumed, and waste produced, then compares it to similar buildings.

A Green Star Rating is primarily focused on the environmental footprint required to construct the building and the impact that construction methodology and materials have on the long term sustainability of the building.

In the next Blog we will look at the NABERS Rating system in more detail.

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Lauren Rosel