Managing Project Quality

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Before you can manage quality, firstly you need to clearly understand what this means to the project. It’s not necessarily all about “how it looks”.

The first step in managing quality is to have a very good understanding of what your client perceives is Quality in their project. You will be amazed how very different this can be between different clients.

Now having said that, it doesn’t mean that traditional understanding of quality (the aesthetic of the final product) is overlooked.  However if for example you are working on a high end Green Star rated building project, which is utilising products such as recycled concrete and timbers in the structural elements, then quality becomes very much about the sourcing of this material, the environmental footprint, and the structural integrity. You can’t see these items but they are the basis of what this project is all about.


Of course finishing quality and minor defects should never be compromised…simply added to by understanding what really motivates your client.

Don’t forget to check out our services page for all our quick tips and free guides on our services.

Lauren Rosel