Property Asset Performance

Missed opportunity and lost value. Is your property performing to its highest possible capacity? Rental Income and outgoings costs are only a small part of your assets value.


Property Asset Performance is an analysis that requires a multi-disciplinary approach and must be a bespoke process for each individual property as each property has its own unique risks and opportunities.

How is your property positioned in the market place? Do you understand what your competition is doing? What generators shape your assets value?

Do you understand the impact of a changing market place on the future value of your asset?

Do you understand your properties energy footprint? Energy is becoming a critical performance criteria and those who stay ahead of the game will benefit through cash flow maximisation and added value.

Have you reviewed your financial structure? Are you maximising your return on equity based on the assets current market position?

Never set and forget your property asset. Be proactive and make sure you understand the changing nature of property as an investment class.

 Rosel Sherwood takes a whole of life perspective of your asset and puts in place processes and actions that will maximise the value of your asset not only immediately but ensure its continued growth into the future.

John Rosel