Energy - Water - Environment

Energy and water, availability, usage, and sustainability have become critical risk criteria of modern property asset values. The cost of energy as a percentage of overall property outgoings and tenant expenditure budgets, has grown exponentially in the last decade and will continue to grow.

Are you an innovator in this area? If not you’ll be left behind in the value race.


In line with Energy risks is the rising impact of Environmental Quality on tenants and customers that interact with your property asset. From the quality of the indoor working environment, to transport forms, to materials used in construction and fit-out, the fabric of the work environment is critical to the longer term value and cash flow of the property asset.

The energy sector is changing rapidly and it is critical for property owners to understand the implications of energy costs and energy opportunities, not only in respect to their own cash flow, but how those costs are impacting their tenants. Without being ‘Energy Proactive’ property owners will eventually find themselves with assets that underperform financially and are positioned poorly against competing properties that have been proactive, which all leads to lost value and balance sheet problems. Rosel Sherwood has over 30 years’ experience in the Assessment, Development, and Management of property assets. Energy and Environment has become such an important issue that it now stands alone in our Group as a specialist division in which we have engaged with leading edge experts in the field who have pioneered some of the most effective initiatives in Australia.

Our leading edge consultants have developed in-house modelling software  which allows them to evaluate the energy flows of each separate system in the whole of property asset, and allow fine tuning, adaption, and implementation to achieve energy and demand savings to meet asset and client specific requirements.

The Energy, Water, Environment – Audit & Opportunity provides a 6 step process -

1. Audit

2. Critical Risks

3. Opportunity

4. Recommendation

5. Implementation

6. Review

John Rosel