Your Comfort Zone is Shrinking

Your Comfort Zone shrinks as you get older, but you have to be very careful you don’t suffocate and it chokes the life out of you too early.


Nothing chokes the life out of your career or business like Comfort Zones. As we get older we tend to get more set in our ways, we dislike change, and we crave certainty. The problem is we do this without even noticing and the weeds of the comfort zone choke out any potential for improvement and growth. 

Have a good look at your way of life. What excuses do you make for not doing the things that used to be exciting? “I’m too old for that shit…” or “That’s not how we do it here...” or the classic “Back in my day….”. These are all just excuses not to get out of your comfort zone again. Of course things change, business is difficult, and you are surrounded by things you can’t control, but to make excuses and to remain in an ever shrinking comfort zone only leads to stagnation and depression. 

Dip a toe in the water outside your comfort zone and eventually you may want to even go for a swim…. 

John Rosel

John Rosel